Category Archives: Relationship

Relationship Problems After, Due To, Cause of Abortion

Relationship Problems After, Due To, Cause of Abortion










An attempt of abortion can cause of serious relationship issues. It is more typical for a woman who has to go physical and mental trauma. In several cases, the abortion issue leads to the resentment, anger, and mordacity towards the partner who was not ready to carry the responsibilities of a baby.

A relationship problem after abortion shows its two faces. In the first scenario the relation, fall apart after the abortion and in second one, the partners survive through it in the cover of pain and grief.

The most frequent problem after abortion is a lack of intimacy between the partners, especially from the female side. They feel regression and shame to be intimate again with a life partner. It is not a woman who goes through the drastic pain. Sometimes a man also feels guilt, helplessness, depression, and anxiety.

If an abortion has taken place in a relationship, then it could be a cause of relationship problems. Abortion is highly contributing element in the problems of a relationship. Couples have to carry the emotional baggage after such incident. We are listing here some physical and mental troubles that penetrate their life dramatically after abortion.

Loss of intimacy:

The frequent effect reveals on the intimacy. As we told about, the common relationship issue that drastically affects the relation. In the majority of cases, the women have shown their disinterest in love making after abortion, which leads to end of the relationship.


The sense of insecurity comes frequently after the abortion. A fear of separation makes a woman insecure very fast. She always feels that their partner would leave her or won’t be interested in a relationship.

Domestic violence:

It is a common effect which commonly seen among the Indian families who tortures the woman for being unable to give birth to a baby boy.

Communication Problems:

After abortion, the major problem in a relationship takes height. Generally, couples stop their communication after abortion. Theproblem becomes more critical while the decision was not taken mutually.

Abortion causes relationship problems


It is not that the abortion produces the relationship problems only. Relationship problems could be the reason for abortion, such that:

Desire of boy can force a woman for an abortion. The family members actively participate in this kind of brutal work. In most of the cases, mother-in-law forces woman for the abortion in the desire of baby boy. They get out the information about the fetus. If it is female, the woman is likely to force for abortion. This kind of crime is done under the influence of family members.

Religious Hypocrisy is another reason of such kind of crime. This kind of disgusting act takes place while the family members come under the influence of hypocrite sage. They prove woman a witch then force the family members for abortion by showing the fear of wrong happenings.

These are two common causes of abortion, which leads from the relationship problems. We can say in other words such that these are the actual reason due to abortion like situation occurs in our society. The problems after abortion do not stop at a certain time. They remain until the relation alive.



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