Category Archives: Astrology

Effect Kaal Sarp Yog Married Life

The Effect of kaal sarp yog in married life, is very destructive type of dream that can spoil your life. The effect of the kaal sarp dosh is very bad and it harms the relation of married life and all. Kaal Sarp doshYog is shaped when all seven planets, Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn are turned-up between Rahu and Ketu. As we familiar with that the circumstances of Rahu & ketu in rashi graph is for all time in front of each other, mean, if rahu is positioned in 1st house, ketu will be 7th house.  Thus, there is the potential in any graph to position take it easy of the planets flanked by Rahu and ketu, and this situation is called Kaal Sarp dosh. In general Kaal Sarp dosh – Yog gives thrash about to inhabitant in all matters of life, related to physical condition, prosperity, occupation, vocation, love, matrimony, children and a lot of other things associated to our life, but it is very significant to find out the accurate effect of a Kaal Sarp dosh – Yog in the inhabitant horoscope. It’s giving dreadful special effects and great effort in health, prosperity, vocation, profession, love, matrimony, and all things related to our life.

This can be evaluated by situation of the Rahu and ketu in dissimilar houses of biological graphic representation, for example, if Rahu is located in the 1st house and ketu is in 7th residence the individual will have the difficulties in health and wealth as the 1st house indicates the health and the fight back of life of the inhabitant, consequently if rahu is in 2nd residence the person may have the great effort and difficulties with family relationships, prosperity, and other connected things to 2nd house. Thus we can adjudicator the effects of a Kaal Sarp Dosh – Yog in 12 dwelling of the natal chart and it formulate 12 types of Kaal Sarp Dosh – Yog in any individuals life.

In this yog kaal sarp dosh an individual gets always dream of snakes and this dosh spoils their life because this kaal sarp dosh is very bad effect and the individual can lost even their life because of this dream. In this dream the individual feels like that they are getting bite by snakes and they will lost their life and they gets always tension about that how to get rid with this dream of kaal sarp dosh and how they will get the rid with the effect of kaal sarp dosh.

The basic effects of kaal sarp dosh

Tribulations and ruptures insignificant and favorable work.

Low intellectual stillness.

Low personality, confidence.

Worsening of physical condition and reduces prolonged existence.

Poverty and obliteration of prosperity.

Destruction of business and hammering of job.

Anxiety and superfluous nervousness.

Bad relationships with family members and friends.

Deceitfulness from acquaintances and contemporaries.

Very a smaller amount help from relatives and friends.

These are just basic problems but in these effect of kaal sarp dosh is very destructive type of problem that can harm so much that’s why it is very important to get rid with this situation as soon as possible you can make it possible. Kaal sarp dosh can be break with the help of specialist who have great knowledge about this situation who can provide you rid with this destructive situation. After using this solution you will get rid with the situation.


Kaal Sarp Dosh Nivaran Upay In Hindi

Kaal Sarp Dosh Nivaran Upay In Hindi


Gayatri Mantra For Kaal Sarp Yog

Gayatri mantra for kaal sarp yog, Gayatri mantra is very helpful solution for that where you can  sort out the problems related to kaal sarp yog. It is very effectual solution for kaal sarp yog. The effective mantra for kaal sarp yog

“Aum bhujangye shaahe vidmahe, sarprajaaye dheemahi tanno naagah prachodayaat”.


“Anantam vaasukim shesham padmnaabh cha kambalm shankhpaalam dhritrahstram cha takshakam kaamiyam tatha aetani nav namaani naaganaam cha mahaatmaanam saayamkaale pathennityam praatah kalae visheshatah tasyaa vishabhaayam naasti sarvatraa vijayi bhawet. Iti shree naag stotraam sampoornam.”

With the  help of this mantra you may get rid with this kaal sarp yog. Really, you should get rid with this situation as soon as possible and you can do it with some efforts. Mantras are very effective to get rid with this kaal sarp dosh yog. This kaal sarp dosh is  an astrological sequence positioning, and you can get rid with this kaal sarp dosh yog by some efforts.


Kaal Sarp Yog Remedy In Lal Kitab



Like Vedic Astrology Lal Kitab is as well a process of predicting the future of any individual. Lal Kitab has its possess viewpoint in next of kin with environmental amalgamations and their domino effect. Lal Kitab moreover has Kaal sarp dosh yog as well as its remedies and results, but its summit of observation differs from Vedic Astrology. Let us stumble on out more concerning Kaal sarp from lal Kitab. Lal Kitab judge Kaal sarp as a dosh as a substitute of Yog. Rahu and Ketu create 12 kinds of special combinations in different houses of the birth-chart. Immediately seeing that the advance planets presents constructive or discouraging penalty in far removed from houses, in the same way, Rahu and Ketu moreover give both, favorable and unpromising domino effect in dissimilar houses.


Kaal Sarp Dosh Nivaran Upay In Hindi

Kaal sarp dosh nivaran upay in Hindi is a way where you can get the solution of your problems. Kaal sarp dosh nivaran upay in Hindi is a solution is very nice solution where any individual can sort out their problem because this solution is available in Hindi so any individual who can understand Hindi can get their problem’s solution. It is very helpful solution for those who have the impact of kaal sarp dosh. You need to get rid with this kaal sarp yog that is very important for you and it will be good for you.


We cannot explain each and all term here so if you want to get more information about this kaal sarp yog then you can connect with our specialist. Our services are gratis of charge so feel free to join with our services. You can use the contact details to join with our services. In some rare type of cases we may want to take some more time also.

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